Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's Halloween Time!

This has been a fun Halloween week & the big day has not even happened yet!
We had a family party last Saturday, but my camera did not make it. I need to get some pictures from Mom & Becky. Emma was tired after a morning of shopping. She was asleep when I pulled her out of the car. I held her for a few minutes, then set her down, hoping she would wake up. Instead she just flopped over. She did wake up after this picture, good thing, because she (& I) needed a real nap!
Mason could not wait to carve pumpkins, so we did three on Monday. He was not so sure about the slime inside of them (even though he & Sarah have been having a great time with some black slime stuff Grandpa & Grandma gave them at the party on Saturday).

Mason & Sarah went to a primary Halloween party last night put on by the young men & women. We have a very talented artist in our ward who did the face paintings.

Mason had a horse to go with his horse costume. We bought this costume for him about a month ago. Last week in Costco I found an astronaut costume that I just could not leave there, he would not let me. So, for some parties (like a birthday party yesterday) he's been the astronaut, for others the horse.

Sarah had a witch hat, even though she was a vampire.

Today Mason & I made "eyeball cookies". They look pretty great & taste even better. Those are not Mason's real teeth, he's got vampire ones in from his preschool party today.

Mason's preschool class. Miss Cathie makes a great Dora (& an even better sport)!

The view out our kitchen window. Todd bought a telescope this week. I told him it would be a great family Christmas present. Yeah, if it had stayed in the box until then! We've had fun looking up at the mountains with it & last night we saw a planet or two. Mason wanted to look through it to see Sammy's house since he knows it's far away.


Becky said...

I love the eyeball cookie picture. That's choice! Happy Halloween!

Nancy said...

Great pictures. The little pre-school one was really cute with all the little kids. The cookie eyeballs one was so funny! And Sarah looked great with the face painting.

Jenni said...

Your comment about Sammy made me want to cry. We need to get those two together.

We miss you guys!