Saturday, October 25, 2008


Fall is really here! We've never had a yard with leaves to rake before. The kids are enjoying it.

The kids were having fun jumping out of the swings into the leaf pile.

This mess is from a walnut tree. Don't EVER plant one. When we moved in there were black wormy things (not really worms, just seeds or something) all over the ground from it. Then at the end of the summer walnuts started falling in big green pods. Now the leaves are falling. I had cleaned up this many the day before, came out the next day to see this mess again. I'm going to wait a few days before I clean this round up.

1 comment:

Hendry Happenings said...

The Virginia leaves are just starting to fall and the work is about to begin. I heard that you guys have been having a fall heat wave. I am so jealous!