Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm watching the election results, not thrilled I'll add.  It is historic, but I'm not for his plans.
I'm just glad I'm not working in DC tonight.  Eight years ago I worked on election night at GWU Hospital in downtown DC.  I think I was probably the only person in the hospital who had voted for Bush (DC tonight showed 92% Democrat).  Anyway, it was quite a night, I don't think any of my patients slept, they were all watching to see if Florida was given back to Gore.  We all joked that patients would start rolling in due to chest pain related to the election & stress (I worked on the cardiac floor).  The day shift stumbled in at 7 am bleary eyed & frustrated.  Quite a memory!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sigh. I've avoided watching any election results because it irritates me too much. Pity that after the months and months of campaigning we've had to endure it has to end this way.