Monday, February 9, 2009

A pump or a pager

Mason was just here begging me for a pager.  He thinks Todd's pager is really cool.  I explained that daddy needs that for work & told him he got it at the hospital.  
Mason then told me if he could not get a pager then he wanted a pump like Jonah, his cousin.  Jonah has diabetes & has a cool pump clipped to his belt all the time.  Mason is a bit jealous & has been for quite a while (he talks about it every time he sees Jonah).  I tried to explain that the pump gives Jonah medicine all the time & he got it from his doctor.  Mason wants me to go get him one tomorrow.  Hmm, don't think that's going to be happening.


Jenni said...

What a kid! :-)

Becky said...

I'm glad Mason does not have a pump. I rather hope Jonah's the only one who has to enjoy that privilege, though I wish he didn't have to, either.

Nancy said...

Well, maybe Mason can let Jonah know is pump is cool! That'll be good for Jonah.

tFool said...

I think I'd try putting him on Jonah's diet and give him an old busted walkman to carry around. I bet within a week or two he'd be back to not wanting a pump.

Who am I kidding I'd never have the patience for that. In my single dad days the kids were lucky to have their teeth brushed properly.