Sarah is 8 today!!! I can't believe I have an 8 year old.
I'm happy we can celebrate her birthday today. On Tuesday I was thinking we might have to postpone. She woke up at 4:15 am with a high fever & terrible stomach pains (especially when we pushed on her) & major nausea. Todd & I thought for sure she had appendicitis, so he rushed her down to UVRMC. The ER doc thought it was appendicitis also, but they did an ultrasound & everything looked fine, other than swollen lymph nodes. So she was discharged at 8:00 am with orders to come back in eight hours is she was not improving. I was not thrilled with not knowing what she had, but somewhat relieved she was not having surgery.
She felt awful still when she got home & still had a fever. As the day went on though she felt much better & her fever lessened & she wanted to eat.
Sarah felt good enough on Wednesday to go to school & to dance class. Go figure!
She got this bubble vest to wear to school today.
Sarah wanted an American Girl doll that looked like her. This one has the right hair & eyes, but the skin was a little darker than I wanted. Sarah thinks it's just fine.
Emma & Mason thought it was fun to become "American Girls" through the box.
Tonight we are going to dinner. Tomorrow is her friend party, then the next two Sundays we will be celebrating with each side of the family. I hope that will be enough birthday for Sarah! Oh yeah, then we'll have another get together on Halloween for her baptism!