Sarah is 8 today!!! I can't believe I have an 8 year old.
I'm happy we can celebrate her birthday today. On Tuesday I was thinking we might have to postpone. She woke up at 4:15 am with a high fever & terrible stomach pains (especially when we pushed on her) & major nausea. Todd & I thought for sure she had appendicitis, so he rushed her down to UVRMC. The ER doc thought it was appendicitis also, but they did an ultrasound & everything looked fine, other than swollen lymph nodes. So she was discharged at 8:00 am with orders to come back in eight hours is she was not improving. I was not thrilled with not knowing what she had, but somewhat relieved she was not having surgery.
She felt awful still when she got home & still had a fever. As the day went on though she felt much better & her fever lessened & she wanted to eat.
Sarah felt good enough on Wednesday to go to school & to dance class. Go figure!